Thoracic Drainage

A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Martina Vašáková & Pavla Žáčková
  • 125×190 mm; 220 p.; 253 illus. and photos, full color print
  • Price/Amazon 20.85 USD (print); 12.09 USD (ebook)
  • ISBN 978-80-7345-485-2 (print); 978-80-7345-486-9 (ebook)
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Author information

Martina Vašáková, M.D., Professor of Internal medicine, Department of Respiratory Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Thomayer Hospital Prague, Charles university, Prague, Czech Republic

Pavla Žáčková, M.D., Department of Respiratory Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Thomayer Hospital Prague, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Table of Contents

 Preface and acknowledgements,  7
 1 Introduction,  11  2 History of chest drainage,  13
 3 Anatomy of the chest,  16
 4 Indications and contraindications for chest drainage,  29
 5 Types of chest drainage,  54
 6 Preparation of the patient for chest drainage,  76
 7 Technical aspects of chest drainage: step by step,  96
 8 Chest tube maintenance and removal,  114
 9 Role of the nurse in the care of patients requiring chest drainage,  142
 10 Special situations and specific tasks during chest drainage,  147
 11 Chest drainage complications,  201
 12 Mistakes and errors in chest drainage indications and technique,  210
 Author profiles,  216
 Index,  221

Contents in Detail



About the book

Drainage of the pleural space by means of a chest tube belongs to basic interventional techniques in pulmonology, intensive care, interventional radiology, and chest surgery. Indications of chest drainage include first of all pleural effusion (empyema, hemothorax, hydro­thorax, chylothorax) and pneumothorax. Although a relatively simple procedure, it carries a significant complication rate, especially when performed without adequate knowledge and training. The book starts with concise anatomy of the chest and physiology of ventilation with accent on basic knowledge of gas physics – which is extremely important in case of unexpected complications in the course of the procedure. The authors then explain the indications and types of thoracic drainage and give excellent step-by-step guidance on all aspects of acquiring skills needed to ensure successful chest tube drainage. Great number of full color illustrations, X-ray images and photos help reader to comprehend all the techniques in detail. The last two chapters comprise frequent complications and their management, as well as common mistakes and errors both in indicating and performing chest tube drainage. The book should be read by all pulmonologists, intensive care physicians, interventional radiologists, as well as chest surgeons. 


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