Medical Quizz

Pathophysiology and clinical medicine

1. Eponymic name for trisomy 21 is:

2. Phospholipases do not belong to

3. Microcytic anemia is usually not

4. Typical causes of microcytic anemia do not include

5. Biochemical marker of choice to detect myocardial necrosis is:

6. Eponymic name for trisomy 13 is:

7. Dysphagia is:

8. Typical causes of pre-esophageal dysphagia do not include:

9. If 20% of cardiac output 5 l/min flows through kidneys, and 20 % of the plasma volume flowing through kidneys is filtered to glomerules, then calculate glomerular filtration rate (take hematokrit value 40 %). Calculated GFR value is:

10. Pachymetry is used in diagnostics of ...

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